Friday, February 18, 2011


Gravity is a myth;
The earth sucks!!


Anonymous said...

Here's an anonymous comment.

Anonymous said...

Here's an anonymous reply, to an anonymous comment.

Chuck Croll said...

Here's an authenticated reply, to the anonymous comment.

Chuck Croll said...

Here's an authenticated comment.

Chuck Croll said...

Here's an authenticated reply, to the authenticated comment.

Chuck Croll said...

Here's a second authenticated reply, to an anonymous comment.

Chuck Croll said...

Here a comment, made using Chrome.

Chuck Croll said...

Here's a reply, made using Chrome.

Taz said...

Here's a Guest reply, made using Chrome.

Anonymous said...

Here's an anonymous Guest reply, made using Chrome.

Anonymous said...

Here's an anonymous comment, made using Chrome.

Chuck Croll said...

Here's an authenticated reply to an anonymous comment, made using Chrome.

Chuck Croll said...

Here's another test comment, using Chrome.

Chuck Croll said...

Here's another test reply, using Chrome.

Chuck Croll said...

Here's another test reply, using Chrome.

... said...

test comment

... said...


... said...


Anonymous said...

Testing anonymous

Anonymous said...

Testing anonymous...

Anonymous said...

Testing logged out...anon

Chuck Croll said...

Test reply, using Firefox.