Monday, May 28, 2007

Test Post For Comments

Here is a post, to which I will make comments.


Chuck said...

Can you spot the difference, Peter?

chuck said...

Can you?



Dohh! There it is!!

Chuck said...

So Peter, do you see how to protect yourself?

When you post, always post with your picture. That's the authenticating detail.

Anybody forging you can't post your picture, they can only post the link to your profile.

So as soon as you spot a forgery, post back under your real identity, and comment on the difference.

Those who choose to disbelieve you will always do so. Those who are interested in the truth will find the truth on their own.

Chuck said...

As I did.

Chuck said...

And I do apologise for haranguing you.

It was, honestly, the only way I knew of to get enough clues from you. I can't see your blog comments like you can, just as you can't see mine as I can. But you provided the essential clue.

So thank you, and I hope that you do get to read this.

peter said...

You were looking for this comment maybe?

Peter said...

Hi Chuck,

Ok, you have demonstrated your point. Now will you want to do anything about it?


Peter said...

Hi Chuck,

Ok, you have demonstrated your point. Now will you want to do anything about it?
